Sunday 17 July 2022

HTML Language

What is HTML?

HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language, it is use for website design, image scrolling, button like social media many more. It can use in notepad tag like <html> <head> some text <body> some text here and close the code with </html> </body> </head>, the forward slash use for close or end the program.

html language, markup, hyper text
HTML Language - Image-1

For example you want to scroll the text with font size using like <H1> title </h1>, it is not have any case sensitive like C-language. You can experiment with your own html website design font size, images, button for social media.

The HTML is very much useful to view the concept of idea, web design so on. First open notepad and give HTML tag like <head> <title> <H1> some text </H1> </title> </head> next line <body> some text </body> and save the name as “sample.html” on desktop and open the sample.html file and view the HTML tag work.

A website required main title, paragraph, links, lines, scrolling, social media button, click OK button and many more feature can work on it. The simple language about the HTML scroll the image or loop the image based on website url links can work world wide web ie.,

It is useful when create a blog or website, you can manage with this blog, how tag can arrange based on our requirement. The HTML is main for web designing and also have <a url > link name </a>, <img src=image1.jpg” alt =”photo”> and div is for sidebar for content based <div> <h1> sidebar text </h1> next link <p> sidebar text </p> </div>.

It will have so many html tag can learn to better usage while making a website or blog, all are in html language may have other language also script language such as java Script. It is for web browsing and easily navigate the document or content for web pages and web application. It is main shows world wide web with the links and url. The code is used to structure a web page and its content, like structure of paragraph, a list of content posts or using images for web design.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 34.

Fix the website browsing error - Proxy settings, Internet Properties, Antivirus.

Embedded systems - Micro controller 8051, SRAM, FLASH and EEPROM memories.

GSM / GPRS Tracking - Mobiledata 2G, 3G and 4G LTE cellular network.

Mobile Internet connection - Browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Desktop or Laptop Troubleshoot - Monitor, Processor, Hard disk RAM and ROM.