Sunday 17 July 2022

How to do 3d model of eyeball

How to make eyes 3d models in Maya?

The modeling 3d model of human eye of any object is required some reference images to develop the object structure, then need to do that go and search in internet and collect images with key word as “eyes transparent 3d modeling images” and download the images into your desktop or storage hard drive to use as reference in the Maya application modeling part.

head modeling in maya, Animation Technical Stuff, eye ball model
Screenshot-1 | Maya eyeball

Now open the Maya application software from your desktop which already installed Maya software.

After this go to save and give file of your project name ex: (modeling and in the application have four views, here select the front views to import the reference image which already downloaded from the internet. It is useful for reference image to develop the object with Maya tools.

Now go to perspective of 3d view and go to the Polygon tool and select the “Polygon Sphere”, and press “3” for smooth and press key “5” for grey color to object visibility.

eye ball model, 3d modeling eyes, stuff
Screenshot-2 | Polygon Sphere

Again select the object and press key “E” to rotate the object as per your requirement and go to attribute or channel box and select “Rotate X” then give number as (90 or -90) to look like eye ball.

photoreal eye, maya eyeball texture, stuff
Screenshot-3 | Object color settings

Now select the object and press right click with hold and select “face” option to select object area as circle, to know clear reference see the screen shot for your reference.

Maya eyeball texture, Maya Procedural Eye, stuff
Screenshot-4 | Final output Eyes rendering image

Before this give object with full color is “White” with type “Phong” and remaining selected circle area with color is black and other one is brown color in center place. See the screen shot to know the “Maya Procedural Eye” final output.

For Maya eyeball , realistic eyes Maya, Maya eyeball texture, eye ball model, 3d model of eyeball, 3d modeling eyes.

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