Showing posts with label Embedded system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embedded system. Show all posts

Sunday 2 July 2023

8051 Flag Bits and PSW Register

What is Flag bits and the PSW register?

The 8051 has a flag register to indicate or specify arithmetic conditions or order such as the carry bit. The flag record or register in the 8051 is called the program status word (PSW) register. In this section we discuss or talk about various bits of this register or record and provide some examples of how it is altered.

PSW register, Program Status Word, 8051 pins
Program Status word Image-1

PSW(Program Status Word) register

It is also mention or referred to as the flag register. Although the 8 bits of PSW register or record wide, used by the 8051 of only 6 bits. The two unused bits are exact flags or user-definable. Four of the flags are called depending or conditional flags, meaning that they indicate or specify some depending or conditions that result after an instruction or command are executed. These four are

1.       CY (carry),

2.       P (parity),

3.       AC (auxiliary carry),

4.        and OV (overflow).

CY, the carry flag

This flag is set whenever or anytime there is a carry out from the D7 bit. This flag bit is affected or high-flown after an 8-bit addition or subtraction. It can also be set to 1 or 0 straight or directly by an instruction or command such as “CLR C” and where “SETB C” it is “SETB C” means for “set bit carry” and “CLR C” means for “clear carry”. More about these and other bit-addressable.

AC, the auxiliary carry flag

If there is a move or carry from D3 to D4 during an ADD or SUB working or operation, this bit is set; otherwise, it is remove or cleared. This flag is used by command that perform BCD (binary coded decimal) arithmetic.

P, the parity flag

The parity flag reflects or give back the number of 1s in the A (accumulator) register only. If the A register contains or carry an odd number of 1s, then P=1. Where as P=0 if A has an even number of 1s.

OV, the overflow flag

In general or wide, the carry flag is used to detect or find errors in unsigned arithmetic operations or working. The overflow flag is only used to detect or find errors in signed arithmetic operations.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 71.

Monday 12 June 2023

8051 Data type and Directives

What is 8051 data type and directives?

The 8051 microcontroller has only one data type or a particular kind of data item. It is the job of the programmer or a device that automatically controls the operation to break down data larger than 8 bits.

8051 microcontroller, data type and directives
Data types and Directives image-1

DB (define byte)

The DB directive is the most extensively or widely used data directive in the program for converting instructions or assembler. It is used to explanation or defines the 8-bit data. For decimal, the “D” after the decimal number is voluntary or optional, but using “H” (hexadecimal) and “B” (binary) for the others is required. Regardless or anyway of which is used, the assembler will change or convert the numbers into hex. To indicate or specify ASCII, simply place the characters or nature in quotation marks (‘like this’). The assembler will assign or allot the ASCII code for the numbers or nature or characters attention.

ORG (origin)

The ORG directive is the beginning of the address used to indicate or specify. After ORG can be either or similarity in hex or in decimal of the number that comes. It is decimal and assembler or instruction will change or convert it to hex form the number is not followed by H,.

EQU (equate)

This is used to define a constant or sustained without occupying or settled a memory location. For a data item but link or associates a continuous or constant value with a data marker or label the EQU directive does not set aside or apart storage so that when the label or marker appears in the program; of something else for the label, its constant value will be substituted or taking the place.

END directive

Another important pseudocode or used in program design is the END directive. This indicates or specify to the computing the end of the source (asm) file. Anything or no matter what after the END directive is ignored or take no notice of by the assembler, the END directive is the last line of an 8051 program or plan, meaning that in the source code. Some assemblers or computing use “.END” (notice the dot) instead of |”END”.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 56.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Program counter and Rom space

What is Program counter and Rom space in the 8051?

We inspect or examine the capacity of the program counter (PC) listing in executing or implement an 8051 program. We also discuss or talk over ROM memory space or capacity for various 8051 family members.

8051 program counter, 8051 ROM space, embedded PC
Program counter and ROM space image-1

Program counter in the 8051

Another important or main register in the 8051 is the (program counter) PC. The program counters points or tip to the address of the next instruction or command to be executed. However, not all members or a constituent piece of a complex structure of the 8051 have the entire 64K bytes of on-chip ROM installed or put, as we will see soon.

Where the 8051 wakes

One question that we must ask or query about any microcontroller (or microprocessor) is: At what address does the CPU come to or wake up upon applying power to it? Each microprocessor is different or unlike. The 8051 family the microcontroller come to at memory address 0000 (that is, all members regardless and variation), when it is powered up. By force or powering up we mean applying Vcc to the RESET pin. In other words, when the 8051 is powered or force up, the PC (program counter) has the value of 0000 in it. Looks for the first instruction or command when it is booted. We achieve this by the ORG statement or declaration in the source program as shown earlier.

Placing code in program ROM

To get a better understanding or grip of the role of the program counter in fetching or adorable and executing or perform a program, we examine or survey the action of the program counter as each instruction or command is fetched or get and executed. As we can see, the opcode and operand for each instruction or command are listed on the left side of the list file.

After the program or plan is burned into ROM of an 8051 family member like as AT8951 or 8751, the opcode and operand are placed or set in the ROM memory locations starting at 0000.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 55.

Saturday 10 June 2023

Assembling and 8051 program

What is assembling and running an 8051 program?

Now that the basic or primary form of an Assembly language program has been given, the next question is: How it is created or generates, assembled, and made ready to run? The steps to create an executable or program Assemblylanguage program are outlined as follows.

8051 C program, c coding, assembling program
Assembling and 8051 program image-1

1.     First we use a computer program enabling the user to enter or editor to type in a program. Many outstanding or excellent editors or word processors are accessible or available that can be used to create and/or edit the program. A widely or range used editor is the MS-DOS EDIT program (or Notepad in Windows), which comes or near with all Microsoft operating systems.

For many assemblers, the file names follow the usual or habitual DOS conventions or compact, but the source or origin file has the extension or addition “asm” or “src”, depending or be controlled on which assembler you are using. Check your assembler for the convention or a way in which something is usually done.

 2.        The assembler converts or changes the instructions into machine code. The assembler will produce or build an object file and a list file.

 3.       Assemblers require or need a third step called linking. The link program takes or gets hold of one or more object files and produces or builds an absolute object file with the extension or addition “abs”. This abs file is used by 8051 trainers or instructor that has a monitor or detector program.

 More about “asm” and “obj” files

The “asm” file is also called the source or origin file and for this reason or cause some assemblers require that this file have the “src” extension.

Check your 8051 assembler or a program for converting instructions to see which extension it requires. As mentioned or bring up earlier, this file is created or produce with an editor such as DOS EDIT or Windows Notepad. In addition to creating or produce the object file, the assembler also produces the 1st file (list file).

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 54.

Thursday 1 June 2023

8051 Assembly language

What is an assemble language code?

We look at the inside of the 8051. We reveal some of the more used registers of the 8051 with easy command (instructions) such as MOV and ADD. We inspect assembly language and machine language coding and definition terms such as opcode, mnemonics, operand, etc.  The process of collect and produce a ready to run code for the 8051.

8051 microcontroller, embedded assembly, coding
8051 Assembly language image-1

Step by step implementation of an 8051 and the part of the program counter are look into. We look at some interval between used assembly language pseudocode, directives, and data types connected to the 8051. We talk about the flag bits and how they are influenced by arithmetic command. Allotment of RAM memory core the 8051 plus the heap and roll banks of the 8051.


In the CPU, directories are used to store information for the moment. Those see to could be a byte of data to be processed, or a mark pointing to the data to be get. The huge seniority of 8051 registers are 8-bit registers.

In the 8051 there is only one data type: The eight (8) bits of a register are shown in the diagram from the MSB (most significant bit) D0. With an (eight) 8-bit data type, any data larger than (eight)8 bits must be splintered into (eight) 8-bit block before it is processed.

The accumulator, is used for all arithmetic and logic command register A. The most widely used index of the 8051 are (accumulator) A, B, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, (data pointer) DPTR and (program counter) PC (. To understand the use of these registers, we will show them in the conditions of two simple command, MOV and ADD.

Simply state, the MOV instruction copies data from one location to another location. It has the following format:

MOV destination, source ;copy source to destination.

This command tells the (in reality, copy) CPU to move the source operand to the landing place operand.

After this command is executed, register A will have the same value as register R0. The MOV command does not affect the source operand.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 46.

Embedded processors

What is Microcontrollers and Embedded processors?

In this portion we talk about the need for microcontrollers and difference them with general-purpose microprocessors such as the Pentium and x86 microprocessors. We also look at the bit part of microcontrollers in the embedded market. In addition, we issue some basis on how to choose a microcontroller.

Microcontroller 8051, general purpose microprocessor, embedded system
Microcontroller and Embedded processor image-1

Microcontroller versus general-purpose microprocessor

What is the differentiation between a microprocessor and microcontroller?  These microprocessors contain no RAM, no ROM and no I/O ports on the fragment itself. For this reason, they are often mentioning to as general-purpose microprocessors.

Microcontroller for embedded systems

In the writing debate microprocessors, we frequently see the term embedded system. Microprocessors and microcontrollers are interval between used in embedded system fruit. An embedded outcome uses a microprocessor or microcontroller to do one duty and one duty only. A printer is a sample of embedded system for the cause that the processors inside it execute only one duty, getting the data and printing it. Difference this with a Pentium-based PC (or any x86 IBM-compatible PC). A PC can be used for any number of appeals such as word processor, video game player, bank teller terminal, print server, network server, or internet terminal.

Some Embedded products using microcontrollers such as Home Appliances, intercom, telephones, security systems, camcorder, remote controls, video games, cellular phones, pinball machines, toys and exercise equipment, garage door openers, answering machines, musical instruments, sewing machines, lighting control, paging, camera, fax machines, home computers, TVs, cable TV tuner, VCR.

Choosing a microcontroller

There are four utmost 8-bit microcontrollers. They are: Zilog’s Z8, Intel’s 8051, Freescale’s 6811, and PIC 16X from microchip Technology. Each of these microcontrollers has an especial command set and register set; therefore, they are not conflict with each other. Plan of action written for one will not run on the others. There are also 16-bit and 32-bit microcontroller’s ways by various chip makers. Three level in select microcontrollers are as follows: 1. Meeting the operation of computers needs of the task at hand efficiently and cost successfully, 2. Freedom to do something of software development tools such as assemblers, compilers, and debuggers, and 3. vast availability and dependable source of the microcontroller.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 45.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Embedded system Digital Primer

What is Digital Primer?

This section gives an overview of digital logic and sketch. First, we cover binary logic performance, and then we show gates that operate these functions. Next, logic gates are put together to form easy digital circuits. Finally, we cover some logic gadget commonly found in micro controller interfacing.

Digital primer, embedded systems, binary logic
Embedded system Digital Primer image-1

Binary logic

As mentioned earlier, computers use the binary number arrangement because the two current levels can be appearing for as the two digits zero and one. sign in digital electronics have two definite voltage levels. For example, a organization may define zero V as logic zero and +5 V as logic one. This system with the built in sufferance for difference in the voltage. A reasonable digital signal in this sample should be within either of the two fill in areas.

Logic gates

Binary logic gates are easy circuits that take one or additional input signals and sends out one output signal. Some of these gates are defined here.

AND gate

The AND gate takes two or more inputs and carry out a logic AND on them. Observation that if both inputs to the AND gate are one, the output will be one. Any other merger of inputs will give a zero output. The example appear two inputs x and y. multiple outputs are also thinkable for logic gates. In the case of AND, if all inputs are one, the output is one. If any input is 0, the output is 0.

OR gate

The OR logic task will output a one if one or more inputs is one. If all inputs are zero, then and only then will the output be zero.

Tri-state buffer

A barrier gate does not change the logic level of the input. It is used to separate or boost the signal.


The inverter also called NOT, outputs the value reverse to that input to the gate. That is, a one input will give a zero output, while a zero input will give a one output.

XOR gate

The XOR gate executes an exclusive-OR operation on the inputs. Exclusive-OR build a one output if one input is one. If both operands are zero, the output is zero. Likewise, if both operands are one, the output is also zero. Attention from the XOR, that whenever the two inputs are the same, the output is zero. This purpose can be used to collate two bits to see if they are the same.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 44.

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Introduction to computing

What is computing?

To understand the software and hardware of a microcontroller based system, one must first master some very basic concepts underlying computer design. After the logic gates, a point of view of the workings inside the computer is given.

computing, embedded system, numbering and coding systems
Introduction to computing image-1

Numbering and coding systems

Where human beings are use base 10 (decimal) arithmetic, computers work with the base 2 (binary) system. The effort depiction of binary numbers in base 16, called hexadecimal, also is covered.

Decimal and binary number systems

The binary system for used in the computers whereas because 1 and 0 represent the two voltage levels like as on and off. Whereas in base 10 there are 10 symbols, 0, 1, 2, …, 9, in base 2 there are only two, 0 and 1, are commonly mention to as bits.

Converting from decimal to binary

Primary procedure of converting from decimal to binary is to divide the decimal number by 2 repeatedly, keeping follow of the remainders. This process resume until the quotient becomes zero. The remainders are then written in change order to obtain the binary number.

Converting from binary to decimal

To transform from binary to decimal, it is major to understand the concept of mass integrated with each digit position. First, as an analogy, remember the mass of numbers in the base 10 system. By the same symbol, each digit place in a number in base 2 has a mass integrated with if.

Hexadecimal system

The hexadecimal system or base 16 as it is called in computer writings are used as a suitable depiction of binary numbers. For example, it is much quiet for a human being to constitute a string of 0’s and 1’s such as 100010010110 as its hexadecimal identical of 896H. There are two digits zero and one. The 10 digits, 0 through 9 of base 10 system. As we know base 16 hex, the first 10 digits 0 to 9 are same as in decimal, and for the remaining six digits are letters A, B, C, D, E and F are used.

Converting between binary and hex

To represent a binary number as its equivalent hexadecimal number, start from the right and group 4bits at a time, replacing each 4-bit binary number with its hex equivalent. To transform from hex to binary, all hex digit is replaced with its 4-bit binary identical.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 43.

Sunday 28 May 2023

Home automation with TV remote

How to do home automation light and fan with TV remote?

Embedded system microcontroller 8052 series making home automation light and fan operate with any TV remote.  Mainly use Keil c coding program can making operate between input and output pins of microcontroller 8052.  First take microcontroller at89s52 40 pin, tsop1738 sensor, microcontroller development board, 5v DC power supply and remote rc5.

embedded system, microcontroller, 8052, 8051
Embedded system micro controller 8052 development board

Keil C coding

#include <reg51.H>

#define SWPort P1 // port definition

sbit IR = P3^0; // pin's definitions

sbit SW1 = P1^0;

sbit SW2 = P1^1;

sbit SW3 = P1^2;

sbit SW4 = P1^3;

sbit SW5 = P1^4;

sbit SW6 = P1^5;

sbit SW7 = P1^6;

sbit SW8 = P1^7;

void delay_3024ms(); // delay function for 3.024ms

void delay_1728ms();

void delay_4752ms(); // delay function for 4.752ms

void ReadAddr(void); // Read Address

void ReadCmd(void); // Read Command

bit ReadBit(void); // Read Bit

unsigned char temp,addr,cmd; // result in the form of Commands,Address

bit FLIP,TOG=0; // bits

char buffer[50];

void main() // main program


TMOD=0X01; // timer 0 mode 1 (16 bit mode)













void delay_3024ms(void) // delay of ms


TH0=0XF5; // 3.024ms







void delay_1728ms(void) // delay of 1.728ms


TH0=0XF9; //TH0=0XF9; // 1.728ms

TL0=0XC7; //TL0=0XC7;






void delay_4752ms(void) // delay of 1.728ms


TH0=0XEE; // 4.752ms







bit ReadBit(void)


return(IR); // return value of IR line



void ReadCmd(void)


unsigned char i;

cmd = 0;

for (i=0;i<6;i++)


cmd|=ReadBit()? 0x01<<i:cmd;





void ReadAddr(void)


unsigned char i;

addr = 0;

for (i=0;i<5;i++)


addr|=ReadBit()? 0x01<<i:addr;




The above code is for operate lights and fan through TSOP1738 sensor, the sensor pins +5v, Gnd, output these three pins are  connect output pin to Port P3.0 pin.  You can connect port 1 pin 1.0 to pin 1.7 total 8 pins connect to devices like three lights, two fans, bed light so on. You can operate with TV remote button 0 to 9 operate can do ON and OFF.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 40.

Blog traffic – how to increase traffic to website

Embedded systems - Micro controller 8051, SRAM, FLASH and EEPROM memories.

Mobile Internet connection - Browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Desktop or Laptop Troubleshoot - Monitor, Processor, Hard disk RAM and ROM.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Hex file in Keil software

How to create hex file in Keil software?

First go to Google and type as “Keil c51 software free download”, you get software and give details about your information and download it then, after install the keil c51 software into your laptop or desktop.

The Keil c51 software is used for program into microcontroller of flash programming in embedded C program code. It is use for operate by commanding or instruction to IC (integrated circuit). IC is micro controller 8051 have families 80xx, many companies have like micro controllers. For example: if you want to blink light of a delay. It should write in embedded C code program by using Keil C51 software. The micro controller runs with 1 and 0 machinery language by assembled code #move R0 A.

embedded system 8051, micro controller, integrated circuit
Keil C51 software - image-1

The assembled language was binary code 0 and 1. It have 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit of micro controller and configured with 8-bit port pins 40-pin vcc DIP (dual inline pack). It can run command by embedded C code or program into ROM of micro controller through Keil software. For example embedded C code is Port 1.1 pin connected LED bulb for blink delay (1000) command by run program through Keil software in embedded C code. It must select hex decimal code machinery language 16-bit binary language of hex.

The Keil c51 software have to check before embedded program into IC or micro controller in Keil software have to check peripheral port-1, port-2, port-3, port-4 option are available can use here to check program execution into micro controller or IC.

micro controller 8051, embedded system, ROM memory

Keil C51 software - image-2

The micro controller has 64k ROM to program or code dump into the ROM memory. It operates ROM memory instruction through embedded C program by Keil software flash memory dump into the ROM memory location with instruction software. If you want to check before making project, you can check in Keil c51 software then, go to peripheral click it, then available port 1, port 2, port 3 and port 4.

When written embedded C coding above example check port 1 which given instruction port selected. The Keil software also program ARM, ARM9, ARM11 means (Advance Reduce Machine).  It use for major projects can do embedded C program. When created hex file then install drivers of flash program equipment then only dump hex file into the ROM memory.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 37.

Blog traffic – how to increase traffic to website

Embedded systems - Micro controller 8051, SRAM, FLASH and EEPROM memories.

Mobile Internet connection - Browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Desktop or Laptop Troubleshoot - Monitor, Processor, Hard disk RAM and ROM.

Sunday 17 July 2022

HTML Language

What is HTML?

HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language, it is use for website design, image scrolling, button like social media many more. It can use in notepad tag like <html> <head> some text <body> some text here and close the code with </html> </body> </head>, the forward slash use for close or end the program.

html language, markup, hyper text
HTML Language - Image-1

For example you want to scroll the text with font size using like <H1> title </h1>, it is not have any case sensitive like C-language. You can experiment with your own html website design font size, images, button for social media.

The HTML is very much useful to view the concept of idea, web design so on. First open notepad and give HTML tag like <head> <title> <H1> some text </H1> </title> </head> next line <body> some text </body> and save the name as “sample.html” on desktop and open the sample.html file and view the HTML tag work.

A website required main title, paragraph, links, lines, scrolling, social media button, click OK button and many more feature can work on it. The simple language about the HTML scroll the image or loop the image based on website url links can work world wide web ie.,

It is useful when create a blog or website, you can manage with this blog, how tag can arrange based on our requirement. The HTML is main for web designing and also have <a url > link name </a>, <img src=image1.jpg” alt =”photo”> and div is for sidebar for content based <div> <h1> sidebar text </h1> next link <p> sidebar text </p> </div>.

It will have so many html tag can learn to better usage while making a website or blog, all are in html language may have other language also script language such as java Script. It is for web browsing and easily navigate the document or content for web pages and web application. It is main shows world wide web with the links and url. The code is used to structure a web page and its content, like structure of paragraph, a list of content posts or using images for web design.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 34.

Fix the website browsing error - Proxy settings, Internet Properties, Antivirus.

Embedded systems - Micro controller 8051, SRAM, FLASH and EEPROM memories.

GSM / GPRS Tracking - Mobiledata 2G, 3G and 4G LTE cellular network.

Mobile Internet connection - Browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Desktop or Laptop Troubleshoot - Monitor, Processor, Hard disk RAM and ROM.

what is Gsm Gprs module embedded

What is the use of GSM or GPRS module interface with Microcontroller 8051?

The embedded system is an electronic component, which we make a mini or major projects. In the embedded system have developed tools kit, which is PCB AT89C51 board, RF moduleZigbee module, GSM or GPRS module and Wi-Fi connections and so on…

The developed projects tool kit was essential for the project implementation. If you didn’t found any device in market, then you can try to develop the device.

Let’s take an example: If you want to wireless communication of three phase submersible motor pump want to operate as ON and OFF, with your mobile phone or remote.

Computer Technical Stuff, RF module, Zigbee module, GSM or GPRS module and Wi-Fi
GSM / GPRS Module interfacing with 8051 | Relay

If you have a agriculture in your hometown, and also have submersible motor pump for water to the crop plantation in the agriculture field i.e., irrigation requirement implementation. If you are staying out of station or long distance at the other place, then you can prefer this GPRS module or Zigbee module both or wireless communication, but the range of distance of GSM / GPRS and Zigbee were different.

If you are staying out of station then consider the GSM / GPRS module, if you are staying near the place of range between 1feet to 1km then, consider module of Zigbee.

GPRS module or Zigbee module
Zigbee module | Range 1m to 1km

You need SIM chord with recharge balance to operate the GSM / GPRS module is required. The communication modules can operate through commands with SMS in your mobile phone give below few commands for your reference. It will STOP and START the submersible motor pump through SMS commands for paddy or any type of water required crop cultivation to get good production from agricultural fields. 

AT commands for GSM / GPRS module interfacing with micro controller 8051
Microcontroller 8051 | PCB board

To operate through AT commands for GSM / GPRS module interfacing with micro controller 8051 to operate with Mobile phones, computer and remote.

Phone control Command

  • AT+CGMM means “Request model identification”
  • AT+CGMR means “Request revision identification”
  • AT+CSQ means “Signal quality”
  • AT+CBC means “Battery charge”
  • AT+CGMI means “Request manufacturer identification”

SMS Text mode command

  • AT+CSMS means “Select message service”
  • AT+CMGR means “Read message”
  • AT+CMGS means “Send message”
  • AT+CMSS means “Send message from storage”
  • AT+CMGW means “Write message to memory”
  • AT+CMGD means “Delete message”
  • AT+CPMS means “Preferred message storage”
  • AT+CMGF means Message format
  • AT+CRES means “Restore settings”
  • AT+CNMI means “New message indications to TE”

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 26.

What is an embedded system

What is an Embedded systems and Micro controller?

Micro controller is an inside circuit or chip, it is a small amount of device of embedded systems are which purpose. Micro controller is different types of 8-bit or 16-bit or 32-bit; mostly used the device is 8-bit micro controller 8051 series.

What are the types of embedded system which is the micro controller have 805x family series like 8051, 8052, 8053, AT89S52, AT89C51, AT89C52 etc., plenty type of micro controllers from Intel, phillips, Atmel, Dollar semi conductor etc.

The micro controller atmel 80xx series used for mini or major projects in embedded systems. The embedded system is a fix the components in PCB board to develop the projects as per requirements.

The embedded system is used for without human intervention the device work with timely manner run the device.

The embedded system, we can develop the computers, PC/Laptops, washing machine, micro Oven, digital watches, television, DVD players, vehicles car, video games, digital camera, mobile phones, satellites, robots etc.

The micro controller works with 40-pins, vcc 5vlts, Gnd, reset pin, 8-bit pins (four ports), EA (Enable access).

micro controller, coding, embedded c program, keil software, data memory
Micro controller 8051 series 40-Pins

C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie.

The micro controller C51 ROM programmable done with flash programmable to write or erase the code. The code have to written in Keil C51 software in Embedded C code example is

void main()
unsigned char num[]="012345ABCD";
unsigned char z;
for (z=o; z<=20; z++)
Each processor is associated with embedded software. Embedded C language is most frequently used to programming in micro controller AT89S52 or AT89C51 any one.

Before going into the details of microcontroller C programming, we should know about RAM memory organization. It is a collection of one or more functions, and every function is a collection of statements performing a related task. As we know the C language is a middle-level language as it supports high-level applications and low-level applications.

C language is software designed with different keywords, variables, constants, data types, etc.

Embedded C is a generic term given to a programming language written in C, which is associated with particular hardware architecture.

Embedded C is an extension to the C language with few additional header files. The microcontroller 8051 #include<reg51.h> is used. There are three types of memory had in microcontrollers. SRAM, FLASH, and EEPROM memories. The architecture of a microcontroller may require that variables and constants be fixed in other types of memory.

Internal Data Memory Up to two fifty six bytes of internal data memory are available depending on the 8051 derivative. Locations available to the user occupy addressing space from 0 to seven Fh, i.e. first one twenty eight registers and this part of RAM is divided in several blocks.

data special function register, memory management
Screenshot 2 | Micro controller | Internal Data Memory

The first one twenty eighty bytes of internal data memory are both directly and indirectly addressable. The upper one twenty eighty bytes of data memory (from 0x80 to 0xFF) can be addressed only indirectly.

Program Memory (ROM) is used for permanent storage program (CODE) being executed. The memory is read only. Depending on the settings made in compiler, program memory may also used to store constant variables. The 8051 executes programs stored in program memory ROM only.

The code memory type specifier is used to refer to program memory. The 8051 memory organization allows external program memory to be added. How does the micro controller handle external memory depend on the pin EA logical state.

Gsm Gprs tracking gadgets tips

How to use GSM / GPRS Tracking Gadgets and Mobile Function Command.

gprs tracking device for trucks, gprs tracking for vehicles
GSM/GPRS Tracking gadgets | Family safe

You can check in any device from google like mini A8 device is for track the location link to get message to your family member mobile phones, with some codes or command have to activate the device. You have to insert any SIM with internet data pack through regular recharge.

Mini A8 Gadget, Tracking location
GSM Mini A8 Gadget | Tracking Location

Example about a father or a mother and have a daughter or a son are there, the daughter or son go to school daily, a day missing and she or he carried the GSM or GPRS mini A8 device by press SOS button press and hold for few second then immediately the exact location tracking link sent to your mother or father mobile phone.

SIM card, Mini A8 device
Mini A8 Insert SIM | Back side cover

We can’t estimate everyday, what happens of tomorrow, just carry the device with you mini A8 or any best tracking device for your convenience of good purpose.

The GSM / GPRS tracking device have few method to communicate from mini A8 to your mobile phone with function command. The command have to send SMS from your mobile phone to mini A8 device or any other GSM / GPRS tracking gadgets. The command like based on device manual procedure. Need to note that read manual instruction before using the GSM / GPRS tracking gadget.

The command function are for Register is “RG+device mobile number”, check location then, send SMS “DW” to the tracking device mini A8, Open voice callback send SMS “1111” to the device mini A8 to communicate through mobile phone, for close voice callback send SMS “0000” to the device mini A8, for emergency alarm then, press “SOS” button in red color it will voice call to the mobile phone.

Function command, Computer tips and tricks
Mini A8 Function Command

The most important is command message, when you start to run the device; you must give authorization access to the mini A8 tracking gadget. So, send SMS as “SQ+device mobile number”, from your mobile phone to mini A8 device.

If you not require or don’t want to use further then, you can cancel the authorization of the mini A8 gadget. So, you have to send SMS as “SQ” to mini A8 device then, it will cancel the authorization. If you want to give the authorization to other person use this command then, repeat command for authorization from other person his or her mobile phone send SMS as “SQ+device mobile number” to mini A8 gadget.

The very important command is “DW” is to track the location person tracking web link. In your mobile phone, when get message with link. So, press the web link and open through your internet data, you can view the exact location view the Map with place name, name, House number, address, street number, state, city and pin code from daughter or son who carried the mini A8 device.

Mobile Phone SMS, Function command
Mobile phone SMS | Send | Receive

These tracking gadgets are very useful for family, kids, pets, vehicles etc. So, many things you can use the tracking device for good and safe way only. If you use any for harm it will be serious action will be take. Be safe while travelling, staying with strangers, school children, college, outside parties, etc.