Sunday 17 July 2022

How to do rigging in Maya

How to do Rigging in Maya software?

The rigging is an important part of the animation making. After you have finished by doing the modeling, texturing, then need to do rigging to give life of the object or a character. The rigging is for move or act the object rigging in Maya or character for animation purpose.

types of rigging in maya,  maya rigging constraints
Screenshot 1 | object

Types of rigging in maya create the object or character to rigging and go to left side of menu bar and select the “Animation” then, go to menu bar and select the “Skeleton” and from drop down list or options select “Joint Tool” and then go to front view and inside the object need to arrange the joints.

riggings, rendering, nDynamic animation stuff
Screenshot 2 | Left side options

You can see the screen shot for your reference need to do skin binding then go to menu bar and select “Skin” and from drop down or option select Bind Skin and after select the Smooth Bind, before making bind skin, you have to select the object and joint then start to do the Skin Bind method.

skin bind, joints, Maya tutorials stuff
Screenshot 3 | Skin bind

Some more features in the rigging process, the main one is Joint Tool, Ik Handle Tool, Ik Spline Handle Tool, Insert Joint Tool, Reboot Skeleton, Remove Joint, Disconnect Joint, Connect Joint, Mirror Joint, Orient Joint and Joint Labeling.

Joints, Ik handle joints, Mirror joints stuff
Screenshot 4 | Skeleton | Joint Tool

Don’t forget the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, while creating the Joints. If by mistakenly or without knowledge on joints axis it creates wrong way of rigging with object or character. For every direction should be one of axis with joints. Some have Orient Joints, Parents Joints, Velocity Joints and Constrain Joints.

Maya for animations, animations stuff
Screenshot 5 | Object and joint

From the above option are use frequently is Joint Tool, Ik Handle Tool and Mirror Joint. Do best practice on rigging then finally it gives the life to character and animation films, short films, whats up status, advertisements, etc.

For character modeling have the hands and legs part, then use the “Ik Handle Tool” to easily or flexible way of your animation project and also don’t forget for every joint have to give the label name it is for left and right side joints example: L_leg_Knee_jnt, R_leg_Knee_jnt, L_hand_Elbow_jnt, R_hand_Elbow_jnt, etc.

For label or joint want to duplicate then use the “Mirror Joint”, if you create the right side joint for hand or legs, then again you need to create left side so, then go to mirror joint option give the label name and apply it. It creates another side joint along with label.

Maya tutorials, animations stuff
Screenshot 6 | Animation | move the object

The final output comes let’s see the screen shot to know clear understand. When you have move the joint the object shape will change. You can do as many object or character to give life. The rigging is a main role in the animation field rigging tutorial.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 8.

Lighting in Maya - Need to light “ON” by press the key “7”

Color settings in Maya - Color is to give the beauty of character.

Glass in Maya - The entire glass you have to draw EP curve.

Render settings in Maya - For best quality settings can use HD720 videos.

Short film creating method - We should take nice place to create stories.