Sunday 17 July 2022

WordPress website plugin of tips

What is website and plugin installation?

Best free wordpress plugins is a domain host for personal or business website or blog to visit public of your ideas, thoughts, planning, explanation, information etc and the best usage in WordPress is plugin installation. It is easy method related for business have there own java script or html or php programming code implementation.

The first step is register domain with (dot) .com, .org, etc., you can buy or free trail website domain registration. After completed registration you will have access to login into your website domain server like WordPress, godaddy, blue host and best wordpress plugins for blogs.

In WordPress website after login at top of the left side click “My Site” and go to below bottom of menu list and click WP-Admin arrow button, you will open other tab window then, here left side have menu list of dashboard drop-down list have Jetpack, G Site-kit, posts, media, pages, links, comments, Feedback, Appearance etc.

what are wordpress plugins, best free wordpress plugins
Screenshot 1 | My Sites

WordPress Menu list
Screenshot 2 | My Sites | Menu List

For G site-kit need to installation from plugin and do activation steps like below ad insert method for every plugin usage of our requirement.

Wordpress Plugins, Add New, Installed
Screenshot 3 | My Sites | Plugins

From menu list have “Plugins” option and click the “Add New” and you will get right side display one application and go to “Search” option and key “Insert ads” and press search then, you will appear related plugin software, ex: Ad insert-Ad manager and "AdSense Ads” click it and you will appear “Install Now”and wait for few seconds in after installation completed in that place display “Active”. After activation the product software then go back to menu list and select “Settings” inside have named with “Insert ads”.

WordPress Plugins Search
Screenshot 4 | Plugins | Add New

You will appear right side one application named with “Ad inserter 2.6.8” application any version there have Blocks from one to sixteen and bottom of the black screen have check box with posts, homepages, category pages, static pages, search pages and Tag/Archieve pages.

If you want to appear on your website any code like adsense code, affiliated html code, just specify which page or pages to display product on your website and you have to do insert or paste code in blocks and you want to appear particular place or area at website. 

In Ad insertion application have best features like after paragraph, before paragraph, before image, after image, footer etc., for paragraph need to give paragraph lines of your website or content paragraph line and Alignment want to set for your website page have option like left, center and right.

Ad Inserter Applications, Plugins
Screenshot 5 | Plugins | Add New | Ad Inserter Application

If you want to know that which place have to paste the code, just click on the violet color highlighted then go to down and see the check button and click the button, you will identify with green color and select which one have to choose the line like post, static pages, homepages, category pages, achieve page, search pages and click near any position, an example homepages have below a small square arrow and click on it. Then open one new tab window of the homepage of your website data.

Wordpress, Ad Inserter, Check list
Screenshot 6 | Ad Inserter | Check list

Just look screen shot for your reference. You can clearly paste code just identification purpose only. If you want paste code after image-1 then, go back near insertion and select after image and save all settings and check your website then see pasted code page in your website through source code (shortcut key cntrl+U).

WordPress, Check list, Ad place
Screenshot 7 | Check list | Your website reference ad Place

Some times code with large size ads format, so you can search ad size search in google then, you will found exact ad image format and change code with image size format in your java script code or HTML code syntax.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 11.