Sunday 17 July 2022

What is Cuelinks website

What is Cuelinks website and how to do online affiliate marketing of product and sale?

Affiliate marketing for beginners ex: Cuelinks is a affiliate marketing product and sale website. In this website all are online affiliate marketing examples sale like amazon, myntra, paytm mall, flipkart, AliExpress, LimeRoad, Shopcules, Bigrock and many more with different payout scale of sale the each product will get commission, how you publish the online marketing site with affiliate links.

affiliate marketing examples, how to start affiliate marketing with no money

Screenshot 1 | Resource center | Link Kit

Go to cuelinks website and register with your name, phone number, email id and strong password. You will get activation email for confirmation. Go to your register email id and open and click the activate link then you have fully activated successfully.

In the cue links website have more features and after login at left side have option to operate all like payable amount, Dashboard, campaign explorer, reports, performance etc.

Cuelinks Dashboard, digital marketing, online earnings

Screenshot 2 | Dashboard

How many click have to visited by user in your website, Facebook, SMS, etc.

In the Installation have Java script, they provide the java script for transaction details. You have to copy the java script and paste into your website where have theme editor header section paste it and save and submit.

Java Script, Cuelinks installation, Transactions

Screenshot 3 | Installation | Java Script

If you have wordpress website then go to plugin and click new plugin and search with name as cuelinks, you will appear with that name and click installation button after few seconds it will ask for activation, just click on activation button, after go to Cuelinks settings in your wordpress website in menu list available with installed of Cuelinks settings.

My channel, Channel ID cuelinks, Cuelinks website and online affiliate

Screenshot 4 | Account | My Channels

In the cuelinks settings appear and ask channel ID from cuelinks login and go to account and select “My Channel” click it and appear right side as your channel ID ex 721AB copy and paste in wordpress cuelink settings near channel ID and save it. Here end the Java script updated successfully.

  • Cuelinks Website

    Screenshot 5 | My Channels | Channel ID

From cuelinks website select installation and will have few options lists as Java script, Android SDK, Cue Words and Cue Widgets.

Cuelinks installation method, Cuelinks website and online affiliate
Screenshot 6 | Installation | Cuewidgets

The best way is to use Cuewidgets code available with images and text format. Just select the items and generate the code with size like as 300x250, 300x600 and 728x90, copy the code and paste it in respective place of your website and publish successfully.

Work from home, online income, online earnings

Cuelinks widgets, widget size, affiliate, Cuelinks website and online affiliate

Screenshot 7 | Installation | Cuewidgets | Widget Size

You can check your earnings from reports under performance with details like graphs with clicks. If your site user have eg: 500 visitors and estimated click as 100 as a day. Immediate not update in Cuelinks site. It will take an hour or 24 hours or 48 hours or 72 hours some are long a days to update the status.

Cuewidegets, type of widgets, affiliate online

Screenshot 8 | Installation | Cuewidgets | Type of Widgets

The best way to earn extra income from the Cuelinks website and plenty of offers and coupon codes available and have type of widgets like as Deal widget and Coupon widget and have few categories like baby and kids, books, electronics, fashion, finance, flowers and gifts, food and grocery, gaming, video gaming, recharge etc.