Sunday, 17 July 2022

3D Character modeling

How to make 3D Character modeling in Maya?

The character modelling is very tough to learn, but if you have passion and zeal, then you can make character modeling it is easy to do. You can go through our previous topics about 3D modeling, rigging, rendering, texturing of Maya tutorial of simple character model.

Character model in Maya, Rigging in Maya, Animation Tutorial
3D Character modeling | Screenshot - 1

First we need one image of human body like, neck, chest, hands, stomach, hips, legs and foot. It require two side human body to develop character model (Maya character modeling reference images).

Images, stomach, hips, legs, Maya tutorial stuff
3D Character modeling | Screenshot - 2

As we learn earlier about how to import image in Maya application, Import the image in the Front view panel and adjust it as per your requirement. After imported image then take square polygon object and start from neck to chest to hands, chest to stomach to hips to legs to foot.

Character rigging in Maya, Maya tips, Animation tips, Stuff
3D Character Rigging | Screenshot - 3

After created modeling then do texture the body with color settings, after that we need to make rigging the character by using some joints and Ik handles.

After fixed the joints from foot to neck or head, here we need to require accurate settings with axis like X, Y and Z. Some axis are shows other angles, so we need to change the orientation  or other tool like cometJointOrient();

MEL script Editor, MEL language, Character Rigging
3D Character Rigging | Screenshot - 4

The main important is correct axis point have to change it. The cometJointOrient need to download from internet and save it in to your computer, then go to Maya application and click the right side MEL and select Script Editor menu and upload the file name as “cometJointOrient” from your computer storage, then after go and type the script as “cometJointOrient ();” and press enter, after that you will appear one wizard with name as “cometJointOrient” as above Screenshot-4.

Here you need to start or test the axis point direction and change it as per your requirement.

Animation stuff, 3D Modeling, Rigging
3D Character Animation | Screenshot - 5

The cometJointOrient is essential to your task to get accurate rigging the character modeling for animation project.

If you want to know more about the subject of animation or Maya tips then go and search in search box and key the words of your related information subject.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 30.

Glass in Maya – How to make Glass in Maya and usage method.

Lighting in Maya – Lighting for Animations by using options on lights.

Camera setup in Maya – How to insert camera in Maya.

Color settings in Maya - An object can make life of animation.

Blogger Custom Redirects trick

How to change old URL to new URL in blogger settings?

The blogger is most and helpful of our website or blog posts. Actually, when post the article or blog content, then it will generate unique URL of the website domain, example: (www .your

Now let’s start the procedure to change the old URL to New URL of your website post or pages.

website URL, Redirects URL, Blogger settings, Custom Redirects stuff
Blogger Custom Redirects | Screen shot -1

When we develop content and post the article public, in a few days you want to change the post article URL, then you should go to blogger login dashboard and click the left side posts option and find which you want to change the post article URL and click to open at the right side have few options like "Preview, Update, Post settings and Permalink so on".

Revert to draft, Post URL, Custom Redirects tips
Blogger Custom Redirects | Screen shot -2

If you see at old URL in the permalink option then you need to go Preview drop down list and select "Revert to draft" and now go back to post list menu. Again click the same URL post article and go to right side menu list and select the "Permalink", there have two options that is "Automatic Permalink" and "Custom Permalink".

Blogger post URL, Blogger URL not working, How to change URL
Blogger Custom Redirects | Screen shot -3

Now select the option "Custom Permalink", and change as you desire title or New URL name and click update. See the Sample screenshot-3 for your reference.

Post URL error, Blogger URL error, Change URL
Blogger Custom Redirects | Screen shot -4

The New URL address link work well, if you begin the today article no need to suffer and continue it, If you have changed the old URL used in few days or few months or years, the URL is not exist post content or article or 404 error, then see the screenshot-4 for your reference. If you don't want to see that errors, then again you have other task to change old URL to New URL settings in blogger.

Now go to the blogger dashboard "Settings" option and select the option “Errors and redirects” and have two types one is "Custom 404" and other one is "Custom redirects", now select the option "Custom redirects".

Blogger redirects URL, Change old URL, Change new URL
Blogger Custom Redirects | Screen shot -6

In the Custom redirect wizard appear with two options like "From:" and "To:", here you need to give Old URL in "From:" field and New URL in "To:" field. Only post article URL address not with your website homepage, it is already indicate with forward slash /. Now click "Permanent", if you like or temporary then click OK.

Here, finish the steps of your website post article URL "custom redirects blogger settings". It will work perfect of old URL to New URL redirects the posts content or article of your website posts.

If you want more related topics then go to search box and search keyword with your related information or subject.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 31.

Robots txt and google search console - Robots txt syntax for google bot access.

AdSense Code and Crawling login access - Adsense is for run Ads to earn income.

How to do Hills and Tree rendering

How to create hills and tree rendering images?

The modelling can make objects like, chair, table, trees, leaf, hills, and so on… Modelling can do with 3D software like, Maya, Blender, Substainer, 3D Max, Modo, Carrara, massive, Seamless3D, Art of Illusion, POV-ray, K-3D, FaceGen, 3D Movie Maker, Imagine, SketchUp, Nuke and many more.

The best quality of animation or images can do in Maya application with some tools like polygon sphere, square, plane, cylinder and pipe. If you want to make hills and a tree then need to go menu list and select “plane” and scale it as per your requirement place.

Maya tutorials, Hills rendering, Animation Technical Stuff
Screen shot-1 | Plane | Extrude

Now you need to create hills, then select option is “Face” and where you want to make hills see the screen shot for your reference. Which are selecting the area and take option is to “Extrude” to take upwards like small or medium or high size of hills.

3D Modelling, Nuke, Blender
Screen shot -2 | Smooth | Press-3

The 3D view can check thoroughly how it looks when creating a video or render the images. Once created hills with the requirement then need to press key “3” for smooth. You can also keep lighting near the place like point light, area light, spot light and volume light. The most important accurate of the lighting part have every aspect of your project.

Images, reflections, attribute
Screen shot - 3 | Mental Ray | Render image - 1

If you want hills with water or ocean then go to “OceanShader” to create it. You need to do some attribute of particular item to reflect or refraction of any object to look beautiful or nice images. In the attribute or short cut key is (Cntrl + A) to get wizard of particular object settings.

Rendering images, Display, Object settings
Screen shot - 4 | Mental Ray | Render Images-2

Need to do little bit experiment in channel box of feature adjustment making such object reflections point.

As we know after all created the best part is Display render settings to get output of your project. Let’s check in “Display rendering settings” for your reference purpose.

Quality, Maya tutorial, Computer
Screen shot - 5 | Mental ray | Render Image-3

The HD images or quality videos based on pixel resolutions to get good quality. See some rendering images of mental ray settings option in Maya applications. Some are with light effects, trees, ocean waves and many more. The quality comes with pixel width and height of image.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 28.

Camera setup in Maya - Create the stories with story board.

Rigging in Maya - The main one is Joint Tool, Ik Handle Tool.

Glass in Maya - The entire glass you have to draw EP curve.

Lighting in Maya - Need to light “ON” by press the key “7”

Color settings in Maya - Color is to give the beauty of character.

Photoshop and Tool  - For best quality settings can use HD Images.

How to do 3d model of eyeball

How to make eyes 3d models in Maya?

The modeling 3d model of human eye of any object is required some reference images to develop the object structure, then need to do that go and search in internet and collect images with key word as “eyes transparent 3d modeling images” and download the images into your desktop or storage hard drive to use as reference in the Maya application modeling part.

head modeling in maya, Animation Technical Stuff, eye ball model
Screenshot-1 | Maya eyeball

Now open the Maya application software from your desktop which already installed Maya software.

After this go to save and give file of your project name ex: (modeling and in the application have four views, here select the front views to import the reference image which already downloaded from the internet. It is useful for reference image to develop the object with Maya tools.

Now go to perspective of 3d view and go to the Polygon tool and select the “Polygon Sphere”, and press “3” for smooth and press key “5” for grey color to object visibility.

eye ball model, 3d modeling eyes, stuff
Screenshot-2 | Polygon Sphere

Again select the object and press key “E” to rotate the object as per your requirement and go to attribute or channel box and select “Rotate X” then give number as (90 or -90) to look like eye ball.

photoreal eye, maya eyeball texture, stuff
Screenshot-3 | Object color settings

Now select the object and press right click with hold and select “face” option to select object area as circle, to know clear reference see the screen shot for your reference.

Maya eyeball texture, Maya Procedural Eye, stuff
Screenshot-4 | Final output Eyes rendering image

Before this give object with full color is “White” with type “Phong” and remaining selected circle area with color is black and other one is brown color in center place. See the screen shot to know the “Maya Procedural Eye” final output.

For Maya eyeball , realistic eyes Maya, Maya eyeball texture, eye ball model, 3d model of eyeball, 3d modeling eyes.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 29.

Camera setup in Maya – How to create animate video film.

Lighting in Maya – What type of lighting are there in maya.

Color settings in Maya – How to make object with color.

Render settings in Maya – What is the render settings of quality image or video.

Polygon Sphere in Maya – What is polygon Sphere in maya application.

Rigging in Maya – How to do rigging in maya application.

Glass in Maya – How to make glass in maya software.

What is Polygon sphere in Maya

What is Polygon Sphere in Maya?

The Polygon is also called as shape, not some other shape. The polygon shapes like rectangular, Convex, Simple, Concave, Equilateral, Regular convex, Regular star, Equiangular, Cyclic, Square, Circle, Oval, triangle, diamond, trapezoid, parallelogram, star, pentagon, hexagon, heart, octagon, crescent and arc.

If you have started with polygon for an object like table, chair, weapons, house, trees, etc., then mostly use in the software application that is: Mesh and Edit Mesh. In Mesh have Smooth, Combine, Separate and Fill hole. The Edit Mesh is most important Extrude, Interactive Split Tool, Insert Edge Loop Tool and Offset Edge Loop Tool.

In the Maya application have plenty type of shapes to develop the modeling with the polygon shapes. If you have knowledge on geometry part, you can do the modeling part, as we know that polygon is a two dimensional or plane figure, with at least three straight sides like triangle and angles, typically have five or more…

For better understanding, then see the below screenshot for your reference from Maya application about Polygon Shapes.

Sphere, Square, Cylinder, Cone, Plane, Torus, Animation Technical Stuff
Menu bar | Polygons | Sphere | Screenshot-1

First go to menu bar and select the option as “Polygons”, then go to near below have some shapes like, Sphere, Square, Cylinder, Cone, Plane, Torus, Pyramid and Pipe.

Now select the polygon of Sphere and go to four view and select perspective, then see the Sphere in the Grid, here taken three Spheres and one plane for surface.

The polygon of Sphere and go to four view
Perspective view | Three Spheres | Screenshot-2

You need to adjust with manipulator to place the object as per your requirement. After that need to color the object, then click the Color for more information. See the below screenshot about how to do adjustment for transparency to the sphere objects with green color highlighted area to move one place to another place.

Color settings in Maya, Transparency adjustment
Object color settings | Transparency adjustment | Screenshot-3

The final part is rendering the object through click the “Display render settings” to get the best quality of output of image. See the below screenshot of rendering the image quality by using lights effects and reflections settings to get accurate.

Best quality of image, Render settings, Image high resolutions
Rendering HD image | Screenshot-4

After rendering the image with HD quality, it will use for films or posters, wallpapers, gallery, image editing for personal use and many more…

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 27.

Camera setup in Maya - Create the stories with story board.

Rigging in Maya - The main one is Joint Tool, Ik Handle Tool.

Glass in Maya - The entire glass you have to draw EP curve.

Lighting in Maya - Need to light “ON” by press the key “7”

Color settings in Maya - Color is to give the beauty of character.

Render settings in Maya - For best quality settings can use HD720 videos.

Short film creating method - We should take nice place to create stories.

what is Gsm Gprs module embedded

What is the use of GSM or GPRS module interface with Microcontroller 8051?

The embedded system is an electronic component, which we make a mini or major projects. In the embedded system have developed tools kit, which is PCB AT89C51 board, RF moduleZigbee module, GSM or GPRS module and Wi-Fi connections and so on…

The developed projects tool kit was essential for the project implementation. If you didn’t found any device in market, then you can try to develop the device.

Let’s take an example: If you want to wireless communication of three phase submersible motor pump want to operate as ON and OFF, with your mobile phone or remote.

Computer Technical Stuff, RF module, Zigbee module, GSM or GPRS module and Wi-Fi
GSM / GPRS Module interfacing with 8051 | Relay

If you have a agriculture in your hometown, and also have submersible motor pump for water to the crop plantation in the agriculture field i.e., irrigation requirement implementation. If you are staying out of station or long distance at the other place, then you can prefer this GPRS module or Zigbee module both or wireless communication, but the range of distance of GSM / GPRS and Zigbee were different.

If you are staying out of station then consider the GSM / GPRS module, if you are staying near the place of range between 1feet to 1km then, consider module of Zigbee.

GPRS module or Zigbee module
Zigbee module | Range 1m to 1km

You need SIM chord with recharge balance to operate the GSM / GPRS module is required. The communication modules can operate through commands with SMS in your mobile phone give below few commands for your reference. It will STOP and START the submersible motor pump through SMS commands for paddy or any type of water required crop cultivation to get good production from agricultural fields. 

AT commands for GSM / GPRS module interfacing with micro controller 8051
Microcontroller 8051 | PCB board

To operate through AT commands for GSM / GPRS module interfacing with micro controller 8051 to operate with Mobile phones, computer and remote.

Phone control Command

  • AT+CGMM means “Request model identification”
  • AT+CGMR means “Request revision identification”
  • AT+CSQ means “Signal quality”
  • AT+CBC means “Battery charge”
  • AT+CGMI means “Request manufacturer identification”

SMS Text mode command

  • AT+CSMS means “Select message service”
  • AT+CMGR means “Read message”
  • AT+CMGS means “Send message”
  • AT+CMSS means “Send message from storage”
  • AT+CMGW means “Write message to memory”
  • AT+CMGD means “Delete message”
  • AT+CPMS means “Preferred message storage”
  • AT+CMGF means Message format
  • AT+CRES means “Restore settings”
  • AT+CNMI means “New message indications to TE”

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 26.

What is Photoshop and tools

What is Photoshop and use of Tools?

The Photoshop tools and functions is an image editing software; it is using for old or scratched photo, to edit and make accurate and replace the color as per photo look.

There are so many versions have in Photoshop like as CS, CS-3 and CS-6 and so on... You can also create animations in 2D. When you have making any editing on photo or images, just keep perfect settings in the tools panel Photoshop application.

The image should be High Quality images i.e., HD images, while creating or editing the image to get best quality, you need to setup the resolution such as 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1152 x 864, 1280 x 1024 and 1600 x 1200, along with size of images like 100kb, 500kb, 900kb, 1.2Mb, 2Mb, 5mb, etc., based on your preference with any one format, you can select it.

Let’s go to new settings procedure…

First go to Photoshop application menu bar and select “New” option then, you will appear New application settings, here you need to do quality and size of image. 

Animation Technical Stuff, What is Photoshop and usage of Tool
Screenshot-1 | Photoshop Image settings

It will ask image name, give title or name as per your requirement, then after go to “Preset” option it have default settings, such as Default Photoshop Size, U.S. Paper, Photo, Web, International Paper, Mobile & Devices, Film & Video and Custom. 

Photoshop Size, U.S. Paper, Photo, Web, International Paper, Mobile & Devices.
Screenshot-2 | Photoshop Web option

These options based on your requirement, if you are developing images for films then select Film and Video, if you want for website then, you can select Web option like so on…

These options based on your requirement, if you are developing images for films
Screenshot-3 | Photoshop Size of image

If you select for website images, then select Preset as “Web” and need to check which Size it is, default it show as “640 x 480”, you can select best quality image size should be “1024 x 768” and also check image memory size, like 120kb, 200kb, 500kb, 950kb, 1Mb and so on… (See Screenshot-1 to screenshot-4). 

If you select for website images, then select Preset as “Web”
Screenshot-4 | Photoshop HD Quality

After completed the image quality settings, you need to know the tools to edit the image from low quality to high quality by using with Tools, such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), Move Tool (V), Magnetic Lasso Tool (L), Quick Selection Tool (W), Crop Tool (C), Slice Tool (K), Healing Brush Tool (J), Brush Tool (B) and many more… see screenshot-5 for your reference. 

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), Magnetic Lasso Tool (L), Quick Selection Tool (W)
Screenshot-5 | Photoshop Tools usage

You can also create nature image and your photo can make together by using these Tools in the Photoshop. You can create as many images with different ways, so many people like to create animate images or personal images, and it is useful for animation, photo studio, website and films.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 25.

Computer server and networking – what are server and IP address usage.

Rigging Artist – Rigging the character or rig an arm for animations making.

Camera setup in Maya – Where to put camera in Maya.

Glass in Maya – How to make Glass in Maya and usage method.