Thursday 1 June 2023

Embedded processors

What is Microcontrollers and Embedded processors?

In this portion we talk about the need for microcontrollers and difference them with general-purpose microprocessors such as the Pentium and x86 microprocessors. We also look at the bit part of microcontrollers in the embedded market. In addition, we issue some basis on how to choose a microcontroller.

Microcontroller 8051, general purpose microprocessor, embedded system
Microcontroller and Embedded processor image-1

Microcontroller versus general-purpose microprocessor

What is the differentiation between a microprocessor and microcontroller?  These microprocessors contain no RAM, no ROM and no I/O ports on the fragment itself. For this reason, they are often mentioning to as general-purpose microprocessors.

Microcontroller for embedded systems

In the writing debate microprocessors, we frequently see the term embedded system. Microprocessors and microcontrollers are interval between used in embedded system fruit. An embedded outcome uses a microprocessor or microcontroller to do one duty and one duty only. A printer is a sample of embedded system for the cause that the processors inside it execute only one duty, getting the data and printing it. Difference this with a Pentium-based PC (or any x86 IBM-compatible PC). A PC can be used for any number of appeals such as word processor, video game player, bank teller terminal, print server, network server, or internet terminal.

Some Embedded products using microcontrollers such as Home Appliances, intercom, telephones, security systems, camcorder, remote controls, video games, cellular phones, pinball machines, toys and exercise equipment, garage door openers, answering machines, musical instruments, sewing machines, lighting control, paging, camera, fax machines, home computers, TVs, cable TV tuner, VCR.

Choosing a microcontroller

There are four utmost 8-bit microcontrollers. They are: Zilog’s Z8, Intel’s 8051, Freescale’s 6811, and PIC 16X from microchip Technology. Each of these microcontrollers has an especial command set and register set; therefore, they are not conflict with each other. Plan of action written for one will not run on the others. There are also 16-bit and 32-bit microcontroller’s ways by various chip makers. Three level in select microcontrollers are as follows: 1. Meeting the operation of computers needs of the task at hand efficiently and cost successfully, 2. Freedom to do something of software development tools such as assemblers, compilers, and debuggers, and 3. vast availability and dependable source of the microcontroller.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 45.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Embedded system Digital Primer

What is Digital Primer?

This section gives an overview of digital logic and sketch. First, we cover binary logic performance, and then we show gates that operate these functions. Next, logic gates are put together to form easy digital circuits. Finally, we cover some logic gadget commonly found in micro controller interfacing.

Digital primer, embedded systems, binary logic
Embedded system Digital Primer image-1

Binary logic

As mentioned earlier, computers use the binary number arrangement because the two current levels can be appearing for as the two digits zero and one. sign in digital electronics have two definite voltage levels. For example, a organization may define zero V as logic zero and +5 V as logic one. This system with the built in sufferance for difference in the voltage. A reasonable digital signal in this sample should be within either of the two fill in areas.

Logic gates

Binary logic gates are easy circuits that take one or additional input signals and sends out one output signal. Some of these gates are defined here.

AND gate

The AND gate takes two or more inputs and carry out a logic AND on them. Observation that if both inputs to the AND gate are one, the output will be one. Any other merger of inputs will give a zero output. The example appear two inputs x and y. multiple outputs are also thinkable for logic gates. In the case of AND, if all inputs are one, the output is one. If any input is 0, the output is 0.

OR gate

The OR logic task will output a one if one or more inputs is one. If all inputs are zero, then and only then will the output be zero.

Tri-state buffer

A barrier gate does not change the logic level of the input. It is used to separate or boost the signal.


The inverter also called NOT, outputs the value reverse to that input to the gate. That is, a one input will give a zero output, while a zero input will give a one output.

XOR gate

The XOR gate executes an exclusive-OR operation on the inputs. Exclusive-OR build a one output if one input is one. If both operands are zero, the output is zero. Likewise, if both operands are one, the output is also zero. Attention from the XOR, that whenever the two inputs are the same, the output is zero. This purpose can be used to collate two bits to see if they are the same.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 44.

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Introduction to computing

What is computing?

To understand the software and hardware of a microcontroller based system, one must first master some very basic concepts underlying computer design. After the logic gates, a point of view of the workings inside the computer is given.

computing, embedded system, numbering and coding systems
Introduction to computing image-1

Numbering and coding systems

Where human beings are use base 10 (decimal) arithmetic, computers work with the base 2 (binary) system. The effort depiction of binary numbers in base 16, called hexadecimal, also is covered.

Decimal and binary number systems

The binary system for used in the computers whereas because 1 and 0 represent the two voltage levels like as on and off. Whereas in base 10 there are 10 symbols, 0, 1, 2, …, 9, in base 2 there are only two, 0 and 1, are commonly mention to as bits.

Converting from decimal to binary

Primary procedure of converting from decimal to binary is to divide the decimal number by 2 repeatedly, keeping follow of the remainders. This process resume until the quotient becomes zero. The remainders are then written in change order to obtain the binary number.

Converting from binary to decimal

To transform from binary to decimal, it is major to understand the concept of mass integrated with each digit position. First, as an analogy, remember the mass of numbers in the base 10 system. By the same symbol, each digit place in a number in base 2 has a mass integrated with if.

Hexadecimal system

The hexadecimal system or base 16 as it is called in computer writings are used as a suitable depiction of binary numbers. For example, it is much quiet for a human being to constitute a string of 0’s and 1’s such as 100010010110 as its hexadecimal identical of 896H. There are two digits zero and one. The 10 digits, 0 through 9 of base 10 system. As we know base 16 hex, the first 10 digits 0 to 9 are same as in decimal, and for the remaining six digits are letters A, B, C, D, E and F are used.

Converting between binary and hex

To represent a binary number as its equivalent hexadecimal number, start from the right and group 4bits at a time, replacing each 4-bit binary number with its hex equivalent. To transform from hex to binary, all hex digit is replaced with its 4-bit binary identical.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 43.

Video Editing software

How to do video editing?

Go to Google search and type video editing software, you will get many software of video editing. After download the video editing software save it and install the video editing software. If you take video from mobile or camera store memory and import into video editing software.

video editing, editing tools, graphics
Video editing software image-1

See the screen shot of video editing software application such as part one capture video have import video, import pictures and import audio or music. Part two Edit Movie have show collections, view video effects, view video transitions, make titles or credits and make an AutoMovie. Last third one is Finish Movie have save to my computer and send to DV camera.

video timeline, time frame, frame work
Video editing software image-2

From screen shot you can import video from your computer desktop hard disk data storage. After importing video then drag into the timeline format or frame. Before editing video take nice videos from your mobile or DSLR camera means digital single-lens reflex camera download into your desktop or pc, after that open video editing software and import the video which you taken video.

From timeline you can adjust with some special effects from Edit Movie select view video effects or view video transitions, timeline shows time of your video frames step by step process. If you want to add some music then download audio or music from internet, you can add in timeline there have option mute or audio.

video effects, video transitions, video graphic effects
Video editing software image 3

See screen shot about timeline format there have option mic to record audio into the video editing software. You can zoom in and zoom out as per your requirement, when click to play video it shows line to exact point of time to time frame.

Go to menu and select Tools and get few options such as Titles and credits, video effects, video transitions, create clips, take picture from preview, narrate timeline, audio levels and so on.

Video effects shows as Blur, Brightness, Decrease, Brightness, increase, Ease in, Ease out, Fade in, from Black, Fade in, From white, Fade out, To black, fade out, to white, Film age, old, Film age, older, Film Age, oldest, Film Grain, Grayscale, Hue, Cycle entire color spectrum, Mirror, horizontal, Mirror, vertical and many more.

Video transitions shows as Bars, Bow Tie, Horizontal, Bow Tie, Vertical, Checkerboard, Across, Circle, Circles, Diagonal, Box out, Diagonal, cross out, Diagonal Down Right, Diamond, Dissolve, Eye, Fade, Fan, in, Fan out, Fan up, Filled V, Down and many more.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 42.


How to make short film video?

How to create video from camera in Maya software?

How to make color settings in Maya software?

Sunday 28 May 2023

C language basics

                                           What is C language?

The C language is developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1970’s at Bell Laboratories. It was designed for programming of operating system called as UNIX. Almost about UNIX operating system comes with C compiler itself are written in C.

c language basic, c programming, c coding
C language basic image-1

It is a middle level language. It also high level language as well as the power of a low level language. C is a small level language there are have 32 English words know as if, else, break, for and so on.  C contains control structured program, it is considered a structured programming language. It includes selection like as if… else, switch, reception while, do while, for and exit (break).

C compiler program with some collection of one or more functions. Every function are collection of statements and works as some specific task. See general structure of C program:

Comments, global variables, preprocessor directives, main() functions, local variables, statements and so on.

Comments are use anywhere in a program and are enclosed with /* and */. Comments are used generally of documentation purpose.

Before execution of program starts with main() function. It has two parts one is declaration of local variables and statements. It also execute one by one, other functions are user defined functions, it may be possible of some variables have to used in many functions.

Environment for C has execution of C program are as:

1.       Program creation

2.       Program compilation

3.       Program execution

It is a command line for C compiler is provided with UNIX operating system.

The main 32 keywords are for doing specific tasks. It is predefined meaning in C. it has always in lowercase, available in C which is given below:

Auto, break, extern, float, for, goto, if, int, long, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, typedef, union, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum, unsigned, void, volatile, while.

The above keywords are predefined and can’t be changed by user while identifiers are user defined words and also give names to entities like variables, functions, structures, arrays etc.

The identifiers are there in C language it is C is case sensitive the uppercase and lowercase letters are used different. For example: code, Code, CODE is three different identifiers.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 41.

Home automation with TV remote

How to do home automation light and fan with TV remote?

Embedded system microcontroller 8052 series making home automation light and fan operate with any TV remote.  Mainly use Keil c coding program can making operate between input and output pins of microcontroller 8052.  First take microcontroller at89s52 40 pin, tsop1738 sensor, microcontroller development board, 5v DC power supply and remote rc5.

embedded system, microcontroller, 8052, 8051
Embedded system micro controller 8052 development board

Keil C coding

#include <reg51.H>

#define SWPort P1 // port definition

sbit IR = P3^0; // pin's definitions

sbit SW1 = P1^0;

sbit SW2 = P1^1;

sbit SW3 = P1^2;

sbit SW4 = P1^3;

sbit SW5 = P1^4;

sbit SW6 = P1^5;

sbit SW7 = P1^6;

sbit SW8 = P1^7;

void delay_3024ms(); // delay function for 3.024ms

void delay_1728ms();

void delay_4752ms(); // delay function for 4.752ms

void ReadAddr(void); // Read Address

void ReadCmd(void); // Read Command

bit ReadBit(void); // Read Bit

unsigned char temp,addr,cmd; // result in the form of Commands,Address

bit FLIP,TOG=0; // bits

char buffer[50];

void main() // main program


TMOD=0X01; // timer 0 mode 1 (16 bit mode)













void delay_3024ms(void) // delay of ms


TH0=0XF5; // 3.024ms







void delay_1728ms(void) // delay of 1.728ms


TH0=0XF9; //TH0=0XF9; // 1.728ms

TL0=0XC7; //TL0=0XC7;






void delay_4752ms(void) // delay of 1.728ms


TH0=0XEE; // 4.752ms







bit ReadBit(void)


return(IR); // return value of IR line



void ReadCmd(void)


unsigned char i;

cmd = 0;

for (i=0;i<6;i++)


cmd|=ReadBit()? 0x01<<i:cmd;





void ReadAddr(void)


unsigned char i;

addr = 0;

for (i=0;i<5;i++)


addr|=ReadBit()? 0x01<<i:addr;




The above code is for operate lights and fan through TSOP1738 sensor, the sensor pins +5v, Gnd, output these three pins are  connect output pin to Port P3.0 pin.  You can connect port 1 pin 1.0 to pin 1.7 total 8 pins connect to devices like three lights, two fans, bed light so on. You can operate with TV remote button 0 to 9 operate can do ON and OFF.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 40.

Blog traffic – how to increase traffic to website

Embedded systems - Micro controller 8051, SRAM, FLASH and EEPROM memories.

Mobile Internet connection - Browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Desktop or Laptop Troubleshoot - Monitor, Processor, Hard disk RAM and ROM.

Sunday 14 May 2023

Motherboard connection

How to give connection to Motherboard or Main board?

Motherboard or Main board has buses travelled through wires like as 32-bit or 64-bit processor have. There are several components such as capacitors, resistors, transformers, pins, power supply pins, IDE cables for CD ROM drivers, Hard disk IDE cables or SATA HDD and so on.

On motherboard have PCI slot for external devices to use for other task or application, through PCI slot we use LAN card for internet purpose or TV tuners for television purpose.

Some have Graphic chord is use for display resolutions to adjust with settings, monitor which resolutions are perfect through Graphic drivers. You need to install graphic drivers through CD.

Cabin have led’s such as Power LED, HDD LED, USB, Power button, reset button wires already had in cabinet, here you need to fix mother board or main board and processor fan wires 4 pins, power supply 24 pins and 2 pins for processor side. Give connect from cabinet to mother board or main board to male pins.

On motherboard have PCI slot connect LAN chord and give ip address go to command or win + R for RUN and type CMD or command then after open window or application to check networking or internet with some commands.

connection to motherboard, motherboard wires, HDD LED
WIN + R for RUN image-1

If you want to check network website then, go to RUN and type CMD and type nslookup your website ex: nslookup then press enter. It display about the ip address like regarding website servers.

command on networking, ip address, nslookup
Command for website image-2

Now, how to connect cabinet wires pins to motherboard male pins, before giving connections here have symbols like + or – or mark with white color on motherboard or main board to do connections wires of power button pins, power LED pins so on.

When power button ON then appear Green LED glow, it means computer or system on internally boot the motherboard through bios setup by display about RAM speed, HDD disk, you need to install or format the operating system called as OS.

Newly installed OS you need to install on Motherboard other software such as MS office, PDF, WIN RAR, Graphic drivers or display drivers, audio drivers or sound drivers and so on.

Computer stuff kit tricks of Topics 39.