Saturday 27 August 2022

URL not on google

How to change URL not on google?

When comes “url not on google”, you can check the blogger or website crawler settings if any change it occur the message as “URL not on google”. If you using mobile internet, it shows the message as “url not on google”. You must check LAN chord network internet can check here it is shows as “URL on google”.

In google search console verify ownership then start crawling blogger or website. The main settings is robots.txt give correct syntax to robots.txt for blogger or website, for more details click now about robots.txt.

not on google, url not on google, url inspection
Google search console - url inspection-image-1

Before commencing any blogger or website, you must follow these steps:

1.       Check robots.txt

2.       Check blogger settings on errors or crawling

3.       Check blogger header tags, achieve and pages search tags and pages or posts tags.

4.       Check which internet using mobile or LAN internet broadband.

When getting error message as “not found 404”, which have change url address then shows as error as “404”. It comes by using the mobile internet of message as “not found 404”.

Better use LAN chord internet broadband internet such message not come as “url not on google”, see the screen shot for your reference.

url is not on google, url inspection, index
Google search console - url inspection-image-2

If comes message as “404” old url to new url in blogger settings as “Error and redirects” use old url in custom 404 and custom redirects. If you want more details click now about old url to new url.

If you check url inspection then coming message as “ url not on google”, then check live test and request as index. It take time 24 hours or more to update. If you get not index in coverage or pages, then request to validation and wait 24 hours or more to update.

How to know indexed or not?

If you want to know index then type as “” it shows about index with meta description. You must check to rank a url or website give keywords to mega description to crawl the keywords to search about your niche.

If you use related keywords then get click related url to find the queries. In google search console shows in coverage or pages or performance to check how it will run by watching queries, countries, device, url etc., by observing impression daily basis to know the ranking by watching impressions. If you follow above described you can rectify the errors by inspecting url’s.

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